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Why I don't give my kids a multi-vitamin

I have been asked this question over and over, and my answer is always “ Why do you need to give them a multi-vitamin in the first place? Are they deficient? Are they weak? There are multiple things you need to think about before putting your child on a vitamin.

  1. Fruits and vegetables are the best and most natural source of vitamins and minerals they are understood and easily absorbed by the body. They are created to have all the essential collection of ingredients that promote perfect absorption! Science has already reached the decision that some vitamins can't be absorbed without a partner, for example Vitamin c alone is not absorbed well but add to it bioflavonoids - oranges carry both these ingredients- and you increase your absorption rate! Vitamins A D E and K are absorbed at higher rates if taken with a meal that contains fats - imagine a salad with olive oil-, so if your child is getting enough real food - And I mean a real apple not apple sauce- then you shouldn’t really worry!

  1. Are you feeding your child a lot of fortified foods like cereals? If you do you might want to be cautious, A new report published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) shows that children are overexposed to vitamins and minerals thanks to fortified, processed foods like cereals and snack bars, as well as vitamin supplements. So be aware too much of a good thing can be a bade thing! Too much vitamin A for example can lead to liver damage, too much zinc can weaken the immune system.

  1. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend a daily multivitamin for children. They say most kids get the nutrients they need from their diet. Despite the billions of dollars people spend, there's absolutely no research showing that supplements can make you healthier or live longer. There is some research, but most finds there's no benefit at all.

  1. Most kids supplements are loaded with sugar and other additives like colors, which counter effects the whole point of taking a vitamin, to become healthier, so if you decide that your child needs a multivitamin be sure to check the ingredients and make sure it is derived from natural source.

  1. Most multi-vitamins are made from synthetic ingredients that might not be recognized by the body, and thus might be presumed useless! or even harmful.if you are still worried your kids are not getting enough vitamins give them an easy to absorb home made multi-vitamin by making an all organic green smoothie or juice

  1. supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA for safety, you might want to check for USP certification. A vitamin that is USP certified has been tested for amounts specified, harmful contaminants, how it is broken down and released in the body and if it’s made according to FDA’s Good Manufacturing Processes.

  1. Giving a multivitamin for insurance purposes provides a false sense of security, nothing takes place of a healthy Diet.

That being said, there are certain circumstances when vitamins are beneficial and even necessary, for example supplementing with vitamin D in winter when sun is low, or vitamin C for a child with low immunity, or iron for an anemic child, giving vitamins to fill a deferent is very different than loading up with a bunch of multivitamins to counteract bad eating habits

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