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A hidden ingredient that's increasing your waistline

I want you to go to your pantry today and get all the perceived HEALTH FOODS, things that you give your kids on a daily basis as a snack for school, breakfast or pre-park snack.

Also your quick go to lunch options, ready made foods, ready made salsa, nuggets, burgers, hotdogs.. etc

I want you to check the ingredient list, and look for one ingredient that is common in all these foods!

You might find it coming under different names, yet they all mean one thing SUGAR

let's first dig into all the different names of sugar

Barley malt

Brown sugar

Cane juice

Cane sugar


Corn syrup

Confectioner’s sugar

Dehydrated cane juice


Diastatic malt


Ethyl maltol


Fruit juice concentrate


HFCS (High Frustose Corn Syrup… Very Bad!)





Malt syrup

Maple syrup



Raw sugar

Rice syrup


Sorghum syrup


Turbinado sugar

(Fake Sugars): Splenda Aspartame

Almost any processed food contains some form of added artificial sugar, which is very bad for our health! Imagine eating this every day, and some times even every meal! Not counting in treats and cakes :) Just counting in the perceived healthy foods!


Fruits have fibers, minerals and vitamins, their unique structure slows down the digestion of sugar avoiding the sudden rush and crash with regular white sugar, instead giving you a sustained long term energy, moreover fruits give you loads of needed vitamins and minerals where is the digestion if white sugar actually pulls out minerals from the body in order to be assimilated and provide no benefit what so ever.

White sugar is addictive; I am sure you remember those days when you dug in a jar of ice-cream, a huge piece of cake or the bag of cookies, yet I never heard any one binging on oranges or apples! that is primary because of the gush of hormones- like dopamine our feel good hormones- the sugar sends rushing in the body giving us a high temporary feeling followed by a crash, which send us again looking for anther sugar rush and the cycle goes on.

Sugar raises your blood sugar instantly to high levels- this is when you feel great and ready to party-, which makes the body rushing in to send insulin to lower it down - this is when you feel down and grumpy-, that constant rush of insulin tells the body to hold on to fat especially the waistline! That’s why too much sugar in your diet will cause a bigger waistline!

Not to mention the continuous rush of insulin also puts effort on your adrenals - your stress coping glands- so guess what? You’re tired and wires, you can't handle stress well, after all your adrenals are busy fixing the stress of constant sugar in your body


It can increase triglycerides contributing to high cholesterol levels

Precursor of diabetes and insulin resistance

Produces binging and over eating episodes

Directly increases waistline and toxic fat

Suppresses immunity ( According to Health Services at Columbia University, when you eat 100 grams of sugar, about as much sugar as you find in a 1 liter bottle of soda, your white blood cells are 40 percent less effective at killing germs. This can cripple your immune system for up to 5 hours after eating sugar!)

Causes weight gain

Feeds cancer ( you can read more about this here )

The problem is SUGAR IS EVERY WHERE, they know how addictive it is and how much we crave it, so they add it to anything you can imagine, your job this week is to check your pantry for health foods with hidden sugars, share it with us and I can let you know of a healthier alternative! Lets start keeping our kids off the daily dose of sugar! start today! don't wait.

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