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Beat the winter weight gain!

Winter means a lot of snacking to keep us warm, and to make up for the short dark days, and less active life.

Most people eat more in the winter, and gain some weight, which is a natural human tendency of survival, that you don't have to resist, but it's important to keep those extra snacks and calories healthy to provide you with the nourishment you body is craving and also avoid too much weight gain.

Each winter I gain around 2-3 KG, and I loose them automatically when the hot long days kick in again, I don't worry about them or try to loose them, I believe they are a natural tendency the body goes through to warm up in the cold weather, yet I work hard on gaining them the right way through root vegetable like sweet potato and parsnips, nuts, and whole grains rather than sugar, unhealthy fats and baked goods.

I am sharing with you a few things I prepared the beginning of this week to keep us satisfies and full without needing to snack on chocolates, cakes, pizzas... etc


Baked sweet potato

wash, put in oven at 350 for one hour, enjoy as a warm dinner, for school lunch box or a quick snack


In the morning I had all my grains and beans soaked for 12 hours, throw out the soaking water and add clean water.

Boil for 15 minutes, store in fridge in airtight container.

Served warm with lemon, salt, cumin and olive oil.

Perfect for a hearty breakfast or dinner.

Whole Oat groats

I use gluten free oat grouts, this is the most natural form of oats completely unprocessed with all the fiber intact, soaked for 4-5 hours, then boiled for 20 minutes.

Store in air tight container in fridge. Serve warm with milk, cinnamon, honey and nuts.

Perfect quick breakfast or dinner.

Slow cooker Quick Oats

In a slow cooker, I added 2 cups of quick oats, 2 cups of almond milk, cinnamon, raisins.

In the morning its all warm and ready, just add honey, and optional banana slices

Lentil soup

In slow cooked, I soak 2 cups of red lentils for 5 hours, wash and add 2 cups of stock, 2 carrots, 1 stock celery, 2 cloves garlic.

Season with salt, pepper, cumin, and dried coriander

let cook and then blend smooth

Optional : you can top with some fried onions

Fried grain/gluten free calamari

Blend in dry belnder some garbanzo (hummus) beans to make flour, add 2 tbsp of tapioca starch.

Season the calamari with lemon, salt pepper and cumin for 30 min.

Add one egg to the calamari and bread it with the garbanzo/tapioca flour mix

Optional : you can make a few onion rings too

Fry in coconut oil

Enjoy the cold days with these hearty winter recipes

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