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Put your money in the right probiotic

How to Choose the Best Probiotic

Hi, we have all heard about the importance of restoring our good bacteria -Aka probiotics- they control everything from digestion, food absorption, immunity and mood. due to over use of antibiotics in our food supply and as medication the good bacteria in our gut gets disrupted and the bad bacteria takes over, more over feeding on processed food, high sugar and high carbohydrate diets further increases this gap causing more imbalance which can lead to all sorts of symptoms like gas, food allergies, weak immune system and even attention and mood issues.

Consuming probiotics, either in supplement form or through probiotic-rich food and drinks, is an ideal way to restore the good bacteria in your gut and regain your immunity and energy.

My clients are always asking me about probiotics. Which one’s work? Do they need to be refrigerated etc. How many billions of cultures do you need to consume each day?

By now you know just how important probiotics are, and maybe you’ve even incorporated some fermented foods into your diet. Taking a supplement will put your gut health and the fast track to recovery.

Here’s what you need to look for in a probiotic…

  • Live active cultures

  • No sugar added to jumpstart fermentation (typically used with cheaper brands)

  • Enterically coated for serious digestive issues

  • A few different strains including L.acidophilus and L.bifidus bacteria

  • At least 10 billion cultures

  • Non-GMO certified

Some of my favorite probiotic brands include…

  • Primal Defense - I love these ones because they include probiotics from beneficial soil microbes. There are 15 billion cultures and they use only microorganisms which can survive the acidic environment of the stomach. You can get Primal Defense here.

  • Inner-eco - This is a great probiotic because it’s from a living food source, coconut water kefir. Just one tablespoon of this fizzy elixir is loaded with beneficial bacteria. You can buy Inner-eco at your local health food store.

  • Dr. Ohira’s - Enterically coated and fermented for 5 years to create one of the most potent probiotics available. These are a great option for anyone with severe digestive issues or candida. Get them here.

  • Klaires labs chewable probiotic to enhance the digestion of the little ones in the house, you can get it here

The most important thing is to give your probiotic time to work it’s magic. Try a supplement for a month before judging if it’s worthy of a daily addition. If after a month you don’t notice any benefits, you’ve probably chosen the wrong probiotic.

After a month you should notice…

  • Improved digestion

  • Stronger immune health

  • Better mood

  • Clearer skin

You should also switch out your probiotic every three months. If you have significant gut issues or an autoimmune issue, you can follow a 3-day rotation schedule. This means you want to have three different probiotics on hand and rotate to a new one each day. This prevents your probiotic from becoming resistant to any antibiotics you are taking.

If you have an overgrowth of candida or severe digestive issues, you should start off at a slow pace with probiotics. The changing gut ecology brought on by an “overdose” of probiotics is going to send your system topsy-turvy and can lead to many issues, including diarrhea or constipation, fatigue and/or brain fog, body aches, flu-like symptoms, rashes, and possibly a worsening of the symptoms you already have.

This happens when probiotics start destroying the bad pathogens in your gut. As they are destroyed, they release toxins that cause unpleasant symptoms.

Just hit reply if you have any questions!

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